30.7.2024. Perast


Najbolji fim u kategoriji cjelovečernjeg igranog:


North Makedonia, 2022, drama, 106’, with English subtitles

Director Milcho Manchevski


KAJMAK, reditelja Milča Mančevskog – jer na osoben, lijep, duhovit, brz, zabavan, ali ne i manje ozbiljan, način tretira dva ljubavna trougla u jednom balkanskom komšiluku, sa svim izazovima, nadanjima i željama malog čovjeka, u fantastičnoj glumačkoj igri.


Najbolji ženski rukopis na filmu

Tragovi / Traces,

Croatia, Lithuania, Serbia, 2022, drama, 98’, with English subtitles

Director Dubravka Turic


TRAGOVI, Dubravke Turić – jer preplitanjem vrhunskog autorstva, na slojevit i apsolutno autenčičan način osjećanja izgubljenosti i izolovanosti – traga za nečim za što nam znaci govore da postoji, a što žene ovog filma umiju da prepoznaju kroz svoj rad na scenariju, režiji, montaži, produkciji, glumi…


Specijalna nagrada za tematski pristup

Tytöt tytöt tytöt / Girl Picture

Finland, 2022, drama, 102’

Directors: Alli Haapasalo,

GIRL PICTURE rediteljke Alli Haapasalo, za hrabar i precizan tematski pristup – jer kroz uspješan coming of age film analizira put od djevojke do žene, prepun nelagode, uzbuđenja, zbunjenosti i radosti, postajući trajna filmska oda istraživanju seksualnosti i ličnom otkrivanju, te ženskom prijateljstvu.


Specijalna nagrada za kreativan pristup muzici:

Duseldorf, Skåne / Love Will Save US

Sweden, 2024, fiction, 94’

Director Patrik Blomberg Book

LOVE WILL SAVE US, reditelja Patrik Blomberg Book, za kreativni pristup muzici, koja oživljava i idealizuje epohu osamdesetih, u kojoj je muzika bila više od života.


Najbolji dokumentarni film:

Mamula all inclusive

2023, Serbia, Montenegro, Documentary, 60’

Director Aleksandar Reljic

MAMULA All Inclusive, reditelja Aleksandra Reljića, jer na izrazito precizan, slojevit, direktan i nadahnut način govori o bizarnosti novca koji briše sve pred sobom, uključujući zločine i sjećanja.


Specijalna nagrada za snažan dokumentaristički izraz:

Potreba za mržnjom/Recipe for Hate,

Serbia, 2020, documentary, 81’ 10’’,

Director: Filip Čolovic

POTREBA ZA MRŽNJOM, reditelja Filipa Čolovića – jer na izrazito snažan način otvara pitanja o najvažnijim problemima današnjice na Balkanu: da li su ratovi i krize, te otuđenost 21. vijeka doprinijeli  da empatija da potpuno nestane, dok se ljudi pretvaraju u zvjeri?


Nagrada publike za najposećeniji dugometražni igrani film:

Shame on Dry Land / Syndaboken,

Sweden, Malta, 2023, drama, 91’

Director: Axel Petersén


Nagrada publike za najposećeniji dokumetarni film:

33 Andjela / 33 Angels,

Norway, 2023, Docuemntary 80’

Head director Branko Dimeski,


Nagrada saveta mladih:

Duga/Rainbow, 2021, Montenegro, short film, 16’55’’, no text
Directed and Edited by: Aleksandar Vujović


Žiri u sastavu:


Nikola Vučković – reditelj, predsednik žirija

Jelena Simić – glumica

Una Jovović – fotograf


2024-07-30, Perast







 Forteca International Film Festival Perast 2024 – AWARDS

July 30th 2024, Perast

Best Feature Film:

– Title: Kajmak / Kaymak

– Country: North Macedonia

– Year: 2022

– Genre: Drama

– Duration: 106 minutes

– Language: English subtitles

– Director: Milcho Manchevski


Description: “KAJMAK,” directed by Milcho Manchevski, stands out for its unique, beautiful, humorous, fast-paced, and entertaining yet serious portrayal of two love triangles in a Balkan neighborhood. The film captures the challenges, hopes, and desires of ordinary people through fantastic acting performances.


Best Female Contribution in Film:

– Title: Tragovi / Traces

– Countries: Croatia, Lithuania, Serbia

– Year: 2022

– Genre: Drama

– Duration: 98 minutes

– Language: English subtitles

– Director: Dubravka Turic


Description: “TRAGOVI,” directed by Dubravka Turić, is recognized for its superior authorship that intertwines feelings of looseness and isolation in a layered and authentic way. The women presence in the film excel in scriptwriting, directing, editing, producing, and acting, searching for something that signs suggest exists.


Special Award for Thematic Approach:

– Title: Tytöt tytöt tytöt / Girl Picture

– Country: Finland

– Year: 2022

– Genre: Drama

– Duration: 102 minutes

– Director: Alli Haapasalo


Description: “GIRL PICTURE,” directed by Alli Haapasalo, receives praise for its bold and precise thematic approach. The film is a successful coming-of-age story that analyzes the journey from girlhood to womanhood, filled with discomfort, excitement, confusion, and joy. It becomes a lasting cinematic ode to exploring sexuality, self-discovery, and female friendship.


Special Award for Creative Use of Music:

– Title: Duseldorf, Skåne / Love Will Save US

– Country: Sweden

– Year: 2024

– Genre: Fiction

– Duration: 94 minutes

– Director: Patrik Blomberg Book


Description: “LOVE WILL SAVE US,” directed by Patrik Blomberg Book, is honored for its creative use of music, which revives and idealizes the 1980s era, where music was more than life itself.


Best Documentary Film:

– Title: Mamula all inclusive

– Countries: Serbia, Montenegro

– Year: 2023

– Genre: Documentary

– Duration: 60 minutes

– Director: Aleksandar Reljic


“MAMULA All Inclusive,” directed by Aleksandar Reljić, for its exceptionally precise, layered, direct, and inspired portrayal of the absurdity of money that erases everything in its path, including war crimes and history of memories.


Special Award for Strong Documentary Expression:

– Title: Potreba za mržnjom / Recipe for Hate

– Country: Serbia

– Year: 2020

– Genre: Documentary

– Duration: 81 minutes and 10 seconds

– Director: Filip Čolovic


Description: “POTREBA ZA MRŽNJOM,” directed by Filip Čolović, opens key questions about the most important issues of today in the Balkans: whether wars, crises, and the alienation of the 21st century have contributed to the complete disappearance of empathy, turning people into beasts.


Audience Award for the Most Attended Feature Film:

– Title: Shame on Dry Land / Syndaboken

– Countries: Sweden, Malta

– Year: 2023

– Genre: Drama

– Duration: 91 minutes

– Director: Axel Petersén


Audience Award for the Most Attended Documentary Film:

– Title: 33 Andjela / 33 Angels

– Country: Norway

– Year: 2023

– Genre: Documentary

– Duration: 80 minutes

– Head Director: Branko Dimeski


Youth Council Award:

– Title: Duga / Rainbow

– Country: Montenegro

– Year: 2021

– Genre: Short film

– Duration: 16 minutes and 55 seconds

– Language: No text

– Directed and Edited by: Aleksandar Vujović


Jury Members:

– Nikola Vučković – Director, Jury President

– Jelena Simić – Actress

– Una Jovović – Photographer


Date and Location:

– July 30, 2024, Perast