“Charter”, rediteljke Amande Karnel. Radi se o jednom toplom filmu u ledenom ambijentu, o borbi, slomu, pepelu i izdizanju jedne žene bez prava na garantni rok, na koji, doduše niko nema pravo.  “Charter” je ispričan na jedan sasvim prijemčiv, neopterećujuć i čist način u digitalnoj eri potreban savremenom čovjeku i kao savjest i savjet.


Glumačko ostvarenje Ane Dahl Torp u film “Charter” kao najbolje iz razloga što je bol i osjećanja lika iskreno i uvjerljivo podijelila sa gledaocem.

Natacha Guyon u filmu “Bazen”, Andersa Lenberga, koje je na oštroj ivici ukusa u sukobu ili sretanju generacija, a koje ostaje na stilizovanoj glumi koja otkriva i budi, a nijednog trenutka ne sklizne u neukus. 


Specijalnu nagradu zazlužuje Andreas Lenberg (film “Pool”) za najbolji savremeni rediteljski pristup i stilizaciju. Rediteljski pristup u ovom filmu je najneobicniji i najinteresantniji. Koristeći se retro stilom pravi posebnu atmosferu u filmu koja je u uskoj komunikaciji sa temom i idejom, utičući na autentičnost likova i karaktera, ostvarujući jak autorski pečat. 

Perfect patient, odskače od ostalih filmova ne samo zbog toga što je jedini žanrovski film u ovoj selekciji, nego i produkciono (sa sigurno većim budžetom).  Nasumnjivo zaslušuje specijalnu nagradu za upečatljiv žanrovski izraz. 

Dokumentarni film “The man who played with fire”  –  specijalna nagradu za aktuelnost, odbira teme i ideje, takođe i angažovanosti.  

FIFFP 2020 žiri:

Odrad Nenezic – scenarista

Jovana Bojovic – scenaristkinja

Vuk Markovic – reditelj

5. novembra 2020, Podgorica

______________________________________________________in English


“Charter,” directed by Amanda Kernell. It is about a warm film in an icy environment, film about a fight, a breakdown, ashes and the rise of a woman without the right to any warranty period, to which, however, no one has the right.

 “Charter” is told in a completely receptive, unencumbered and clean way in the digital age, so needed by modern man both as conscience and advice.


The acting achievement of Ana Dahl Torp in the film “Charter”as the best, for the reason that she honestly and convincingly shared the pain and feelings of the character with the audience.

Natacha Guyon in Anders Lennberg’s “Pool”which is on the sharp edge of the taste, representing both conflicts and immersion of generations, whole the time remaining on the stylized acting that reveals and awakens, and never slips into distaste.


Andreas Lennberg (film “Pool”)won a special award for the best contemporary director’s approach and stylization. The director’s approach in this film is the most unusual and interesting. Using the retro style, he creates a special atmosphere in the film, which is in close communication with the theme and the idea, influencing the authenticity of the characters and characters, achieving a strong author’s inscription.

PerfectPatient, by Mikael Håfström, stands out from other films not only as the unique genre film in this selection, but also in terms of production (with a certainly larger budget). He suspiciously deserves a special awardfor an impressive genre expression.

The documentary “The man who played with fire” by Henrik Georgsson– a special award for relevance, topics and ideas selection, as well as engagement.

FIFFP 2020 jury:

Odrad Nenezic – screenwriter

Jovana Bojovic – screenwriter

Vuk Markovic – director

November 5, 2020, Podgorica, Montenegro