Graduated in dramaturgy at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade, in the class of Professor Siniša Kovacević. He is a doctoral student of Theory of Dramatic Arts, Culture and Media at FDU Belgrade. He wrote screenplays for several films: BALKANSKA BRACA (Balkan bros, 2005, directed by Bozidar Bota Nikolic) and AS PIK (2011, directed by Draško Đurović), who is the first Montenegrin representative for Oscar; At the competition of the Television of Montenegro awarded for the script for the tv serial SETACI PO MJESECU (Moonwalkers, 2000);
He is the author of theater plays: tragedies in verse SVETI I PROKLETI (Holy and cursed), inspired by the legend of Vladimir and Kosara, produced by the BarskiLjetopis; drama in verse GORSKA DRAMA (Mountain drama) produced by Culture Center Tivat and festival “Purgatorija”, as well as performances of ŽDERA IZ KONTEJNERA (Guttler from the container), META (Target) and PERSONE NON GRATE (Persons non grate), which are on the repertoire of JU “Zahumlje” and JU “Nikšić Theater”; Also, he is a writer of drama texts: JA NIKOLA I ( I Nikola I, 2012, directed by DraškoĐurović) “NOBELOVCI” ( Nobel Prize winners, 2014, directed by Goran Bulajić) performed in production of the ,,Nikšić Theater”, and “TAŠTINARIJE” (2013, directed by Drasko Đurović) in the production of “Barski Ljetopis”; He is the author of poetry collections: PISMA GOSPODJICI M. (Letters to Miss M, 1997); POEZIJA (Poetry, 2012) and CENTAR MOG SVIJETA (The center of my world, 2018);
He wrote the novels: LJETOPISJE ZABORAVLJENOG GRADA ( The Annals of Forgotten Town, 2004); OSMIJEH ZA MARIJU MIHAILOVIČ (Smile for MarijaMihailovič, 2015), inspired by the character and part of the national hero Ljubo Čupić and ŠETAČI PO MJESECU (Moonwalkers) – a black chronicle of a youth (2016) …

Jovana Bojović was born in 1989 in Podgorica. She graduated in dramaturgy at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, and obtained her master’s degree FDA in Belgrade. She has received several awards as best student at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts (University of Montenegro Award for the best student of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts; November 13th Award of the City of Cetinje for outstanding achievement during studies; Atlas Foundation Award for Best Student). She is a now a third year doctoral student at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, majoring in drama and audiovisual media.
At the Completely New Drama(“Skroz nova drama”) competition, organized by the National Theater of Montenegro, her play Open End(“Otvoren kraj”), triumphed. In fact, directed by Petar Pejaković, Open Endpremiered at the NTM in 2017, and has been part of its regular program ever since.
Based on the play Free Time or Dark is the Light(“Slobodno vrijeme ili tamno je svijetlo”, a Jovana Bojović’s adaptation of the play “Il tempo libero”, by Gian Maria Cervo) a performance has been staged and directed by Diego de Brea at the Zetski Dom Royal Theater, and at the Quartieri dell’Arte Festival in Viterbo (Italy). Directed by Herman Bernhoft, Free Time or Dark is the Lighthas also been performed at the National Academy of Arts in Norway (Oslo).
With her play Peace Mission (“Mirovna misija”, 2011), Jovana Bojović won first prize at the international competition jointly organized by the Theater Epicenter – Zagreb, and the Company Angels Theater – London. The drama was staged by the Bijelo Polje Theater in 2018.
She also authored a number of essays published by the magazine “Scena” – a Sterija Theater Festival publication, as well as a scientific paper Feature film narration as a documentary approach (“Naracija igranog filma kao dokumentaristički pristup”, Nomotehnički zavod, Belgrade).

Vuk Markovic –born in Cetinje on May 13, 1974. He finished primary and secondary (mathematics and programming) in Cetinje. He studied Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. In 2009, he enrolled at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts (Department of Film and TV Directing) in Cetinje, where he completed his undergraduate and specialist studies in the class of Dr. Nikola Vukčević. During his studies he made several short films, of which the short film ‘Equlibrium Vitae’ (graduate undergraduate studies) was screened as part of ‘Short Corner’ at the Cannes Film Festival out of selection. While the short film ‘Reflection’ (graduate film of specialist studies) won the award for directing and modern approach to the Neo-noir genre at the Humphrey Bogart Festival in Key Largo, Florida, U.S.A. (October, 2015) and Best Photography award at the Indian Film Festival (2015). Worked as a director on various projects for the advertising agency McCann. Currently in the development phase of author projects for two feature films “The Devil in Love” and “Circles in the Grass”.