Anders Lennberg director and screenwriter for film POOL, is FIFFP 2020 guest, tonight live on zoom PANEL in MEDIA CENTER Kotor

Anders Lennberg director and screenwriter is FIFFP guest.

DIRECTOR’S BIOGRAPHY: After film-studies at Stockholm University, Stockholm Film School, UCLA and the American Film Institute, Anders Lennberg got his start in music-videos and commercials. That lead to a 10 year career in television directing series. He started his career in the 1990 ́s directing top-rated Swedish hit tv-series “The High Seas” for 3 years. He is Internationally known for the scandalous hit KÄRLEKENS SPRÅK (Language of Live) a feature length sex- education drama, that opened in over 50 cities in Sweden.

Lennberg moved into screenwriting in the 2000 ́s and eventually directing four feature films. Anders have several films in development with producent partner THERESE ANSELMSSON.

Writer feature films
“The Diver” 2000 (Starring Klaus-Maria Brandauer)
“Blue Monday” 2001 (also Director)
“Cry Wolf” 2002 (winner Haugesund Film Festival, best Children’s feature)
“Language of Love” 2004 (also director)
“Same Same” 2018 (also Director)
“POOL” 2020 (also director)