Documentary and short selection FIFFP 2017

Documentary and short films:



Moldova 2015, short film 15′, Moldavian with English subtitles


Кратка прича о важности воде, земље и љубави, кроз игру ритуала и живота.


In a village hit by drought, Dumitru starts a quest for water. Ioana, the girl who accompanies him in this pursuit, is an silent witness of baseness of people that appear on their road. Instead of this human aridness, Dumitru finds water in the place he least expected.


Director Lucia Lupu

Production: French and German Embassy

Producer: French and German Embassy

Cast: Eugenia Pasat, Tudor Turcanu


Parallel Dreams

USA 2015, short film, 7′, English subtitles


Кратки филм о аутору музике, уметнику Јосефу Корнелу који креирајући музику отвара простор између реалног и нереалног, стављајући посматрача у простор паралелних светова.


An artist Joseph Cornell immerses himself in the music of Debussy as he makes his art, watching his creation slowly come alive. At the same time, a dream is visiting Cornell, influencing his thoughts and decisions, and guiding him on how to complete his artwork. The experience leaves the viewer uncertain and unnerved about where the real world begins and ends. It’s almost as if there is a parallel universe mirroring our life on Earth—or perhaps it is the other way around— and it is the dream that spans over like a bridge connecting those universes.


Director Aleksandar Kostic

Production: Kostic Films

Producer: Aleksandar Kostic

Cast: Joan La Barbara, Didier Flamand, Kathleen Supové, Gemma Forbes, Micic Iva


On Sensitivity /Osetljivost

Serbia – Greece 2012, Documentary 30’, Greek with English subtitles


О познатом грчком иконописцу – сликару Стаматис Склирису. Филм је писмо упућено непознатом ученику у којем мајстор износи своје разумевање уметности, Бога, људскости, боје, форме и живота, где слику ствара само љубав.


About famous Greek Icon-painter Stamatis Skliris and his understanding of the art, God, humanity, colours, forms and life.


Direcror: Ivica Vidanović

Produktion: Monastery Hilandar och Cinnemon Productin





Sweden 2017, short film 8’, Swedish with English subtitles


Кад Рахман види просјака на улици којег Густав малтретира, реши да се умеша. Вагант је музички обојен филм о предрасудама, вредновањима и опросту.


Vagant is a semi-musikal short film about two angry men and a hungry begger.


Director: Björn van Weiden

Production House: Nollkvadrat

Length: 07:33

Cast: Raphael Niba and Gustav Östervee



Projekcije dugometražnih filmova mogu se videti i dan kasnije u Rimskim mozaicima u Risnu isto vreme 19.00 i 21.00.