

Sweden 2015, Documentary 90’, Swedish with Montenegro-Serbian subtitles


Прича о Астрид Линдгрен најпознатијој  списатељици за децу, и творацу најхрабрије девојчице на свету – Пипи Дуга Чарапа.


Astrid Lindgren mother to the Pippi Långstrump, or Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump or Pippi Longstocking is one of Sweden’s biggest export names, her books have sold over 150 million copies worldwide. Documentary Astrid covers three periods in the author’s life. Her early adulthood when she became pregnant in Denmark aged 18, then had to leave her child to a foster family in Copenhagen to go to live in Stockholm, and after several years of travels back and forth, she finally managed to bring her son back with her to Sweden, followed by her feature childhood and older years.


director and producer Kristina Lindstöm

production SVT